Get the Right Platform For You

Which Platform?

Choosing a platform can be a daunting activity for many organisations.  There are is a wide range of platforms to choose from and while it might feel as though your requirements are hard to meet, you may be surprised how easily some elements are covered off.


Start Simple

Our experience is that while many organisations have a long list of requirements for how their platform should operate, when the platforms are used in anger, many features turn out to be redundant or seldom used.

Build on What Works

There are a few key capabilities that you should check for in your elearning platform, but the key thing is to get some real-world experience of what works for your organisation and then build on it.

Modularity is Your Friend

Modular Architecture

You should check that your selected platform has been built in a fundamentally modular way. this means that as new functionality becomes available you can update and enhance the features that you use.

A good indicator of this is whether the platform has an external 'marketplace' of plugins. If the platform has a vibrant market of add-ons, this is a good indicator that an excessive modular approach has been taken.

Component Compatibility

In an attempt to standardise how content can be displayed and tracked using a Learning Management System (LMS), the elearning industry has developed a number of standards which allow elearning content to be bundled up into self-contained packages which can be distributed.

  • A good elearning platform will be able to publish elearing content in one or more of these standard ways. the main benefits of adopting platforms which use these standards are:
  • content publishers are more likely to provide pre-written content in the standard format
  • the content is not locked into the platform that it is being hosted on and if required, the content can be easily migrated.

Connectivity is King

Do not expect to find a platform that provides all of the functionality all of the time.  Modern computing systems commonly specialise in solving the needs of particular scenarios, however it me be the case that your organisation needs something slightly different.  This is where connectivity is king.

If your platform can be connected to other services, then you can leave it to focus on what it does best and link it to other services which provide auxiliary services.

You should check that your platform has an Application Programming Interface (API) which should provide wide, but secure access to the core features of your platform.

How We Can Help


We can help you pin down your requirements, prioritise and get you going as quickly as possible.

Rapid Deployment

We are able to deploy test and live services is double quick time. We know that there is nothing like experiencing the services in action and so we focus on getting the site up and running quickly.

Solid Hosting

Using selected partners we will deploy and support your live elearning platform to maintain peak performance and dependable service.