Putting it All Together


Understanding the target audience and objectives are key to setting off on the right journey. We typically review the context in which the learning is to be provided to set the principles that guide the style and tone of the authoring process.


Using a wide variety of tools we can convert high level statements of learning objectives into engaging learning modules incorporating real-world experience of what works.


Rapid, publication and updates is key to ensuring that your elearning content stays up to date. We are able to publish content in a number of industry standard formats to ensure that your elearning course start to provide a return on investment as soon as possible.


Complex Concepts





Tools We Like

Interactive Authoring

A favourite of ours.  A powerful tool-set in the right hands, Articulate allows interactive and engaging content to be authored and published in variety of industry standard formats.

Interactive Micro-sites

A powerful website builder offering many of our recommended features of being modular and extensible.

Screen Cam and Annotation

Ideal for rapid development of screen recording based training. The range of output standards makes this tool ideal for professional video streaming from services such as Vimeo.